WAW-2000kN电液伺服万能试验机Electro-hydraulic Servo Universal Testing Machine
作者 Ming
发布时间 15/11/19
Electro-hydraulic Servo Universal Testing Machine
→等速应力控制2~60 N/mm2·S-1,等速应变控制0.00025/s~0.0025/s;
→电源电压:三相五线制~380V±10% 50Hz(须可靠接地);
ISO 6892-1;ISO 6892-2;ISO 20032;ISO 7348;ISO 23718;ISO 6935-1;ISO 6935-2;ISO 8491;ISO 8492;ISO 8493;ISO 8496;ISO 377:2017;ISO 1099;ISO 376;ISO 26203-2;ASTM E8M-04;ASTM E9-89a;ASTM E 111;ASTM E 1875;BS EN10002-1;JIS G 0601;GB/T246-2017;GB/T2975-2018;GB/T30069.2-2016;GB/T228.1-2010;GB/T228.2-2015;HRJ Tester;GB/T7314-2017E;GB/T1499.1-2017;GB/T1499.2-2018;GB/T13788-2017;GB/T232;GB/T242;GB/T244;GB/T10623;GB/T3098.1-2015;GB/T13634;GB/T3075;GB/T15248;GB/T3091-2015;GB/T32468-2015;GB/T32976-2016;JB/T9397-2013;GB/T6396;GB/T25048;GB/T22315;GB/T24172;YS/T485;YS/T550;
Electro-hydraulic Universal Testing Machine;Hydraulic Servo Universal Tester;High Temperature Tensile Tester;Steel bars Weight Length Tester;Rebar mechanical splicing Tensile Tester;Steel Strand Steel Bars Integration Tensile Tester;Metallic materials Tensile testing;Method of test at elevated temperature;Method for evaluation of tensile properties of metallic super plastic materials;Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials;Standard Test Methods of Compression Testing of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature;Metallic materials Compression testing at ambient temperature;HRJ Tester;Determination of compression strength for sintered metal materials at room temperature;Metallic materials Bend test;Metallic materials Mechanical testing;Steel for the reinforcement of concrete;Hot rolled plain bars;Hot rolled ribbed bars;Cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars;Standard for test methods of welded joint of reinforcing steel bars;Metallic materials Tube Bend test;Metal materials Tube Flattening test;Metallic materials Tube Ring tensile test;Determination of modulus of elasticity and poissons ratio;Tubes Transverse bending test;HRJ Tester;Tube Drift expending test;Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing;Welded steel pipes for low pressure liquid delivery;Calibration of force-proving instruments used for the verification of uniaxlial testing machines;Metallic materials Tensile testing at high strain rates;Metallic materials Fatigue testing Axial force controlled method;The test method for axial loading constant-amplitude low-cycle fatigue of metallic materials;HRJ Tester;Clad steel plates-Mechanical and technological test;Copper clad aluminum plate, sheets and strips;Thermal sprayed coatings Determination of tensile strength;Sintered bimetal material shear strength;Thermal sprayed metallic coatings shear strength;Mechanical properties of fasteners-Bolts screws and studs;